June 10- July 29
Wednesdays, 7pm
Participating artists:
Alex Bag, Beth Campbell, Ian Cooper, Anna
Craycroft, Amy Granat, k8 Hardy, Kalup Linzy,
Sara Greenberger Rafferty
Organized by Ian Cooper and Michelle Levy
EFA Project Space presents Chaperone, an eight-week summer event. This weekly series consists of films handpicked by a group of artists, all whose work provocatively explores disparate aspects of our culture's love affair with mediated reality. The participating artists are:
Sara Greenberger Rafferty: Lucas June 10th 2009
Alex Bag: Grandma’s Boy June 18th 2009
Anna Craycroft: The Century of the Self (episodes 1 & 3) June 24th 2009
Ian Cooper: SCREAM 3 July 1st 2009
Amy Granat: Venom and Eternity July 8th 2009
k8 Hardy: Freak Orlando July 15th 2009
Kalup Linzy: Desperate Living July 22nd 2009
Beth Campbell: Altered States July 29th 2009