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EVENT: Body Bridging: Paroxysms of Positive Defense, Jess Arndt + Jam Rostron

"To protect themselves, rattlesnakes performed something called “body bridging,” the magazine said. Hiding their heads, they rose up from the sand in flat racket-like loops. Refusing to be consumed, each snake-self produced another more terrifying self. I flung the magazine and turned off the light, at ease."

Format as workshop, artist as participant, writing as experiment, body blur + corporealation as experience, sonic wave as mutant bridge, shape as mutual, systems of defense as avenue of approach. 

Jess Arndt is a fiction writer whose material is body language, protuberances, linguistic pokes and prods. Often this forms as short stories but sometimes it re-molds into poetic essays, rants or participation-based salons. Her action text “Collective Body Possum” toured with The Knife’s Shaking the Habitual world tour, 2014 and her story collection, “Large Animals,” is coming out from Catapult Press in 2016.

Jam Rostron is Planningtorock. Jam lives in Berlin.

This art action is a part of Writing Bodies, on view September 9 - October 10, 2015 at EFA Project Space.

Earlier Event: September 17
EVENT: Untitled, Dean Daderko