Beyond Nuclear Family: Home Sweet Home
November 17, 2022 - January 7, 2023
(Gallery will be closed November 24 - 26, 2022 and December 23, 2022 - January 3, 2023 for the holidays)
Curated by Jindřich Chalupecký Society (SJCH) curatorial team: Barbora Ciprová, Veronika Čechová, Tereza Jindrová, Karina Kottová
Karolina Balcer
Lizza May David and Claudia Liebelt
Kristina Fingerland
Robert Gabris
Johannah Herr
annette hollywood
Binelde Hyrcan
Charlotte Jarvis
Signe Johannessen
Agnė Jokšė
Eva Koťátková
Marie Lukáčová
Mary Maggic
Markéta Magidová
Mothers Artlovers
Chiara No
Alanis Obomsawin
Nina Paszkowski
Minh Thang Pham
Anni Puolakka
Vojtěch Radakulan
Tabita Rezaire
Janek Rous & Architects without Frontiers
Adam Rzepecki
Jiří Skála
Jonne Sippola
Maja Smrekar
Martina Drozd Smutná
Sophia Süßmilch
Marie Tučková
Sophie Utikal
Family album: Khairani Barokka, Catherine Biocca, Triple Candie, Lenka Klodová, Michelle Lévy, Laure Prouvost, Egill Sæbjörnsson, Tai Shani, Jakub Woynarowski
Thursday, November 17, 2022, 5-8 PM w/Lecture at 6:30 PM
Opening Reception and Lecture: The Legal Movement to Take Us Beyond the Nuclear Family
Lawyer and queer activist Diana Adams is the Executive Director of the New York City-based legal nonprofit Chosen Family Law Center, and an international legal leader in advocacy for queer family forms beyond the romantic dyad.
Diana Adams
Instagram: @DianaAdamsEsq
Facebook: @DianaAdamsEsq
Twitter: @DianaAdamsEsq
Chosen Family Law Center, Inc.:
Instagram @ChosenFamilyLawCenter
Facebook @ChosenFamilyLaw Center
Twitter @ChosenFamilyLaw
Friday, November 18, 2022, 6-8 PM
Taka Taka: Artist’s Lecture
Dragtivist, educator, queer theorist and independent curator Taka Taka will share their knowledge and methodologies for drag mothering and gendered character based practices.
Saturday, November 19, 2022, 2-6 PM, at House of Yes
We play half a day with our body-ies like clay.
The esteemed camp drag queen, scholar, and dragtivist Taka Taka will present a lecture followed by a practical workshop exploring character creation with tools that they have developed, resulting in short performances for and with our characters.
RSVP Here (limited capacity, RSVP required)
Friday, January 6, 6-8pm
Beyond Nuclear Family: Closing Event
Film Screening at 6pm: Julie Béna, Strakati, 2022, 27 min.
Followed by Artists Talks with Michelle Levy and Chiara No + Q&A
Introduction and moderated by Tereza Jindrova
The exhibition Beyond Nuclear Family: Home Sweet Home seeks to provide a critical revision of the modern Western concept of the family and, through the works of more than forty international artists, explores the alternatives – historical and contemporary, geographical and cultural, utopian and fictional. The third chapter of this long-term research and discursive project, after two iterations in Berlin and in Prague, seeks to redefine the questionable concept of the Nuclear Family and bring it back to its original ‘home’, the U.S., where it was coined and distributed in the second half of the 20th century.
Through paintings, photographs, videos, texts, sculptures, textiles, performances, and installation, the works in this exhibition portray and critically analyze contemporary notions of family, kinship, and togetherness. They bring forth conversations about chosen family and queer kinship; utopian family revolutions and coexistence models; deficiency in cultural capital; fragility and ambiguity of relationship patterns; institutional childcare models; feminist chains of support; as well as familial traumas and institutional care or lack of it. Amongst existing artworks the show also features newly commissioned works by six Czech artists: Eva Koťátková, Maria Lukáčová, Markéta Magidová, Vojtěch Radakulan, Jiří Skála and Martina Drozd Smutná, as well as a Family Album with small-scale commissions by the former collaborators of the Chalupecký Society, including: Tai Shani, Laure Prouvost, Michelle Lévy, and Egill Sæbjörnsson, among others.
Khairani Barokka, Catherine Biocca, Triple Candie, Lenka Klodová, Michelle Lévy, Laure Prouvost, Egill Sæbjörnsson, Tai Shani, Jakub Woynarowski, Family Album, 2020, Installation view, Dimensions variable
Sophia Süßmilch, It’s a Comforting Feeling to Share the Same Genes, 2019. C-print, 40x60 cm
The exhibition is co-funded by The European Union, Czech Ministry of Culture, The City of Prague, and EFA Project Space.
Jonne Sippola, Tarja, Berndt, and I, 2022, Installation of 37 photographs, 10 x 14 cm.
Back: Sophie Utikal, Fluids I and II, 2017. Handsewn and machinesewn textile collage, 98 x 150 cm and 95 x 150 cm.
Front: Chiara No, 2022. Jambex & Garsone, underglaze, vinyl paint, raw pearls, waxed thread on stoneware, 16.5 x 10 x 18 cm.
Eva Koťátková, Daydreaming Workstation, 2022. Interactive installation, audio, textile, dimensions vary.
Left: Martina Drozd Smutná, Madonna, 2022. Oil on canvas, 50 x 40 cm.
Middle: Jiří Skála, In Process, Without Prospects, 2020. Audio installation, black and white photograph, inkjet print on paper, 90 x 60 cm.
Right: Adam Rzepecki, Project of the Father Pole Memorial, photography, 35 x 46 cm, 1981.
Martina Drozd Smutná, Blue Onion, 2020. Oil on canvas, 90 x 120 cm.
BDSM mum, 2020. Oil on canvas, 90 x 70 cm.
Viktorka, 2020. Oil on canvas, 50 x 40 cm.
Mothers Artlovers, Dinner Party Menu, 2021 - 2022. Handcrafted book and object, bread, wood.
Kristina Fingerland, Coat of Arms, 2021 - 2022. Textile and object installation, part of the Oikos project.
Sophia Süßmilch, Beasts of the southern wild II, 2016. C-print, 60 x 40 cm.
It’s a comforting feeling to share the same genes, 2019. C-print, 40 x 60 cm.
Dein Outfit passt zu meiner Bettwäsche / Your outfit matches my bedding, 2020. C-print, 40 x 60 cm.
Nina Paszkowski, Untitled, 2021. Ballpoint pen on paper, 25 x 17 cm.
Untitled, 2021. Ballpoint pen on paper, 25 x 17 cm.
Untitled, 2021. Ballpoint pen on paper, 25 x 17 cm.
Center: Marie Lukáčová, Chosen, 2020 - 2022. Video, 25 mins. Commissioned by the Jindřich Chalupecký Society.
Right: Robert Gabris, Memory 2, 2012. Drawing, pencils on cardboard, 100 x 70 cm.
Memory 4, 2012. Drawing, pencils on cardboard, 100 x 70 cm.
Khairani Barokka, Catherine Biocca, Triple Candie, Lenka Klodová, Michelle Lévy, Laure Prouvost, Egill Sæbjörnsson, Tai Shani, Jakub Woynarowski, Family Album, 2020. Book, 40 x 28 cm.
Left: Karolina Balcer, Family Knots, 2021. Tufting, yarn mix, 95 x 75 cm.
Jumper - I’m fine collection, 2021. Knitted object, yarn mix, 45 x 60 cm.
Center, in back: Sophie Utikal, Standing Up For Myself, 2020. Handsewn textile collage, 105 x 160 cm.
Center, on floor: Vojtěch Radakulan, Visitors, 2020-2022. 3D model of the Ďáblice housing estate with an audio track based on interviews from the publication Sidliště Ďáblice: Architecture for People (Society of Friends of the Ďáblice Housing Estate, Prague, 2019, ISBN 978-80-270-3525-0).
Left: Sophie Utikal, Standing Up For Myself, 2020. Handsewn textile collage, 105 x 160 cm.
Middle: Vojtěch Radakulan, Visitors, 2020-2022. 3D model of the Ďáblice housing estate with an audio track based on interviews from the publication Sidliště Ďáblice: Architecture for People (Society of Friends of the Ďáblice Housing Estate, Prague, 2019, ISBN 978-80-270-3525-0).
Right: Charlotte Jarvis, New Labor 1, 2022. Photography, glued print PVC, 51 x 83 cm.
New Labor 2, 2022. Photography, glued print PVC, 51 x 83 cm.