Carrie Sijia Wang
Hey Alien: How to Use the Examination Practice Room, 2023. Video.
Visual Description: A monitor mounted on the wall displays a short video titled "Hey Alien: How to Use the Examination Practice Room." A pair of headphones is hung on the wall below the monitor on the right. The background of the video is a computer simulation of ocean waves under a blue sky with white clouds. After welcoming the visitors and introducing the context, the video moves into the instructions for using the examination practice room. The synthetic seascape remains in the background, while the foreground changes into a demonstration of the rules—with the left side showing the artist doing the test, and the right side showing a screen capture of the test interface.
Hey Alien: Welcome Flyers, 2023. Print on paper, 8.5 x 11 inches.
Visual Description: To the right of the wall display is a space in which a visitor can interact with the "Integration Assessment Examination Practice Tests." There is a chair, a small table, a microphone, a pair of headphones, and a webcam. Mounted on the back wall is a large monitor displaying the test interface. The transparent design of the acrylic chair and table, coupled with the shifting gradients on the monitor, creates a futuristic ambiance that transports visitors to another world. A pair of headphones are hung to the bottom right of the monitor. The small table and chair are positioned in front of the monitor. Visitors can interact with the test by sitting on the chair, talking into the microphone, and facing the webcam situated in front of the table.
Hey Alien: Integration Assessment Examination Practice Tests, 2023. Interactive installation, Dimensions variable
Visual Description: To the right of the wall display is a space in which a visitor can interact with the "Integration Assessment Examination Practice Tests." There is a chair, a small table, a microphone, a pair of headphones, and a webcam. Mounted on the back wall is a large monitor displaying the test interface. The transparent design of the acrylic chair and table, coupled with the shifting gradients on the monitor, creates a futuristic ambiance that transports visitors to another world. A pair of headphones are hung to the bottom right of the monitor. The small table and chair are positioned in front of the monitor. Visitors can interact with the test by sitting on the chair, talking into the microphone, and facing the webcam situated in front of the table.
Carrie Sijia Wang is a New York-based artist and educator making work inspired by bureaucratic processes, standardized tests, and hidden systems. Combining art, technology, and research, her work has taken the forms of live performance, video art, and playable experience positioned between a game and a test.
Wang is a 2023 More Art fellow, Year 8 member of NEW INC, 2021 Pioneer Works resident, and 2020 Mozilla Creative Media Award recipient. She has shown and presented work with venues including Rhizome, New Museum, Onassis Foundation, ACM SIGGRAPH, and A.I.R. Gallery. She is currently teaching at the Interactive Media Arts department at NYU.