Opening Reception and Welcome by Isabel Umali

Thursday, September 19, 6-8 PM

Join us at the opening reception with an introduction by Isabel Umali, dance artist and embodied therapist. At 7pm Isabel will lead an introduction rooted in the body to invite sensorial awareness, ignite imagination, and interwoven thought. We can rest our conceptual understanding of what it means to "be multi-racial" and engage with the lived experience and expression of the artists.

Isabel Umali (she/her) is a dance artist and embodied therapist. Interested in the space where the psyche meets the nervous system, Isabel practices art, craniosacral therapy, massage, and movement to enliven and augment awareness of this space.

We are inherently relational beings. When we engage sensorially with our inner and outer worlds we strengthen empathy, thereby strengthening a sense of non-personal, universal love. This can shape how we talk to ourselves, act interpersonally, how we vote, perceive the world we are in, and how we act as a being on this earth. Isabel’s mission has been to develop embodied empathy in community though her work, gardening, and dinner parties.

Isabel has been a dancer for over 10 years, performing in acclaimed companies and theaters nationally and internationally. Due to a series of concussions, she became a client of biodynamic craniosacral therapy (BCST) and subsequently became a BCST and licensed massage therapist– what Isabel calls embodied therapy. Isabel continues to dance and perform, and has a private embodied therapy practice.

In person at EFA Project Space
323 W 39th St, New York, NY 10018
Free and open to the public