Nicole Mouriño
Visual Description: A large horizontal stretched canvas depicting a sequence of monochromatic shelves, each with various figures and objects in an abstract, sketch-like style on them.
Descripción Visual: Un lienzo horizontal estirado grande que muestra una secuencia de estantes monocromáticos, cada uno con varias figuras y objetos en un estilo abstracto, similar a un boceto.
Visual Description: A stretched canvas with abstract elements, featuring various shapes, colors, and figures, including what appears to be a human silhouette in the center and a sun motif at the bottom, incorporating earth tones throughout and a bold red color framing the image on the left, bottom, and right sides of the canvas.
Descripción Visual: Un lienzo estirado con elementos abstractos, que presenta varias formas, colores y figuras, incluyendo lo que parece ser una silueta humana en el centro y un elemento que parece un sol en la parte inferior, incorporando tonos tierra y apagados por toda la parte central y un color rojo intenso que enmarca la imagen en los lados izquierdo, inferior y derecho del lienzo.
Nicole Mouriño (b. 1987, Miami, Florida) is a Cuban-American artist based in Brooklyn, NY. Mouriño received an MFA in Social Practice from Queens College (NY) in 2016, and a BFA in Painting from Pratt Institute (NY) in 2011. Her work has been exhibited at Sargent's Daughters, Shrine, BRIC, Carracci, and Sideshow Gallery (all NY), and included in curated presentations at Untitled Miami and Pulse Miami. Mouriño’s solo exhibition, Mama Dukes, opens at Peep Projects in Philadelphia and will be on view March 11 - April 13, 2024.