EFA Project Space, a collaborative, cross-disciplinary arts venue producing exhibitions, artist projects, and the SHIFT residency for artists who work in arts organizations, seeks two exhibitions interns for the summer term (June 13 – August 31, 2018).
EFA Project Space summer exhibitions interns gain a broad range of experience working closely with the Program Director and Program Manager, alongside EFA’s parallel programs (EFA Studio Program and EFA Robert Blackburn Printmaking Workshop) in Midtown Manhattan.
- Research assistance with curatorial projects, programming, fundraising, and institutional collaboration
- Assisting with live events, such as artists talks, panels, and workshops
- Compiling materials such as artwork documentation, biographies, and descriptions for promotion and outreach
- Updates to the website and social media
- Assisting with the annual open-call for exhibition proposals process
- Assisting with registrarial duties related to exhibition preparation
- Interacting with visitors to the exhibition in the gallery
- Engaging with the activities related to the SHIFT Residency for artists who work for New York City arts organizations
- Hands-on experience with the exhibition-making process from start to finish
- Opportunities to develop projects catered to the intern’s particular area of interest
- Experience working closely with experienced arts professionals in a flexible and open environment
- Direct interaction with artists
- Occasional gallery trips and/or studio visits.
- SHIFT 2017/18 Residency Exhibition (June 15 – July 14, 2018), and the SHIFT 2018/19 Residency Intensive (August 10 – 26, 2018). Taking place in various locations over the arc of one year, SHIFT is the only residency of its kind supporting the creative practices of artists who work for arts organizations. Each August, EFA Project Space welcomes seven new artists, through a nomination process, for a two-week long studio intensive, where the gallery s is turned into a collective studio. Residents have regular feedback sessions during the intensive, which culminates in an Open House viewing of their work-in-progress. They then continue to meet over the course of a ten months, further developing the projects they began during the intensive, and concluding with an exhibition the following June.
- As Far As the Heart Can See (September 21 - November 17, 2018), curated by Nicolás Dumit Estévez Raful, features a constellation of artists with recognizable historical artistic lineages—performance art, social practice, or the effort to meld art and life—who have shifted gear from institutional canons in order to speak truth. This exhibition focuses on some of the many bold acts that artists have given themselves permission to carry out to achieve self-transformation, expand their own fields, or to push one to rethink disciplines such as ecology, thanatology, gender studies, anthropology and social work.
- EFA Project Space Request for Proposals for 2019: the program is preparing to announce its next request for proposals in June/July, including contact list building, targeted outreach, and refinement of the application process.
- Junior and senior BA and BFA students, as well as MA and MFA candidates studying art history, curatorial studies, arts administration, or studio art are encouraged to apply
- Strong research and writing skills
- Familiarity with Microsoft Office and Adobe Creative Suite
- Interns are expected to be present a minimum of two, maximum of four days per week, Tues-Fri, 10:30 – 6pm; plus occasional evening events.
Applicants should send a cover letter, resume, and the contact information for one reference to Meghana Karnik, Program Manager, at