Khipu Prehispanic Electrotextile Computer, presentation slides from print document and live ritual / performance. 2017-2021. For [MS]:RU, an on site gallery projection of R&D media and installation documentation from Constanza Piña’s ongoing Khipu Prehispanic Electrotextile Computer project accompanies satellite installation of the work in Mexico City created for the lab.

Featuring live audio transmission  on raspberry pi powered feminist  mobile radio Radio Cósmica libre and performed ritual, shared  through video during our “Allies  Week” roundtable, this multisite installation at once collapses and  expands the way we understand  the immediacy or locality of  exhibition “space.” Collaborators  Daniele Sofía Main and Melissa  Aguilar join Piña in performance.

Khipu’s handspun copper and alpaca fibers use an inca coding system to encode information about the classification of the main stars of Bootes, a moon phase calendar, a total solar eclipse, two earthquakes, and the sun and moon’s position in relation to the artists’ births.