Trans*Plant: an OncoMouse™ journey, 2019. Two closed caption video monitors, text.

This installation features documentation from two experimental foci of Quimera Rosa’s Trans*Plant project,  a process that engages the  body towards a human>plant  hybridization: biomedical  research in order to replicate  PhotoDynamic Therapy (based  on the capacity of an intravenous  photosensitive molecule to  destroy malignant cells,) and  the molecular journey of self experimentation, using a chlorophyll IV.  

Through their work, Quimera  Rosa seeks to produce non natural cyborg identities from a transdisciplinary perspective, focusing on the creation of  transdisciplinary projects and  performances, the elaboration of  electronic devices that work with  body practices, and biohacking  experiments. They assume Donna Haraway’s notion of cyborg, defining it as: “chimeras,  theorized and fabricated hybrids of machine and organism.”