RE: Return to Sender Collaborative Zine Workshop
Saturday, September 23, 1 - 5 PM
In conjunction with Return to Sender (the exhibit) and Return to Sender (the zine), Return to Sender (the project team) and EFA’s Robert Blackburn Printmaking Workshop are proud to host RE: Return to Sender: the workshop.
In this workshop, participants will respond to the concept and reality of prison censorship, using the work on display in the exhibit as well as the work contained in the zine to create a collaborative zine to share.
Join us on Saturday, September 23, 2023, at EFA Robert Blackburn Printmaking Workshop (323 West 39th Street New York, NY 10018) from 1 PM - 5 PM to make a collaborative zine (words and images) in response to prison censorship. The workshop will be led by Carolyn Chernoff, PhD, a cultural worker, scholar, and activist from Philadelphia. We will use the one-sheet minizine format to make notes and share ideas based on the on-site Return to Sender art installation as well as respond to the Return to Sender zine created by mostly incarcerated cultural producers.
We will consider the questions of what prison censorship looks and feels like to those inside and outside carceral control, as well as the idea of censorship as a system of power and control. We will use our reactions and ideas to create a collaborative half-size zine that will be duplicated and shared with workshop participants and the general public.
No experience with incarceration or zine-making necessary. Participation is limited to 20 registrants. We ask that participants be 16 years of age or older. Please contact us with any access needs; the Blackburn Print Workshop is on several floors with stair and elevator access. All materials will be provided.