Catching on Thieves

Catching on Thieves, Catching on the Nose, 2023-2024, Multi-channel video installation, Dimensions variable

Catching on Thieves, Catching on the Nose Wall Text, 2024, Text and QR Code on Paper, 40 x 27 inches


We all know a little about our noses, but what do we know about what our noses know about us? Tune in to the first installment of a video series looking at the complicated history of noses, both literally and literar-ily, through the lens of evolutionary biology, embodied memory and that persnickety weapon of poetry, thought and law, language.

The videos, the table, the lights, the cushions, the clay, the graphite, and all other collaborations going forward are part of the piece I am working toward, which will culminate in a revision to repair the complications that arose from a negligent Facial Feminization Surgery I had in the fall of 2021.

This work is in essence a  fundraising campaign to help garner the estimated $35,000 required for the procedure.  I will choose a surgeon as a collaborator to commission the construction of a functioning nose.

That nose will be itself a living sculptural work.  

This work is for me and for you and for all those mutants who have yet to be born. 

This work is for all those mutants who adapted so we could breathe.

This work is for the breathing.

Please consider donating towards this operation if you can, sharing if you can’t. 

You can find my Patreon, Gofundme and Onlyfans here.

Thank you,

Catching on Thieves

Catching on Thieves, Installation view (from left to right): I’m trying to sound like a woman, but... take01, Video, sound, 2023, 10:55 minutes; Gambling with Souls, 2023, Readymade using a film reel canister from the sexploitation film of the same name (early 1930’s), 15 x 15 x 5 inches


Catching on Thieves is from West Palm Beach, Florida. Her parents immigrated from Kingston, Jamaica and Lahore, Pakistan. Her high school was a stone’s throw from Mar-a-Lago. She first learned about being trans from online porn. While her heart belongs to the cinema, she likes to say that she is polyamorous about her art practice: working across drawing, writing, painting, sculpting, photographing and performing, whatever gets the job done. Currently, she is producing a multimedia docu-series fundraiser about the complicated functions of our noses, both literally and literary, through the lens of evolutionary biology, history and that persnickety weapon of poetry, thought and law, language. The work will culminate in a revision rhinoplasty to repair the complications that arose from a negligent Facial Feminization Surgery she had in the fall of 2021. The resulting organ will exist as a living sculpture. Oh, and the piece is called Catching on The Nose.